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  • Analytical Technologies Limited: 

                       Analytical Technologies Limited,India is a leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Analytical, Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Clinical Diagnostics and Material Science & General Laboratory Instrumentation. Main products includes Labs setups on turnkey basis, HPLC, GC, GPC, IC, HSCCC, PREP HPLC, Spectrophotometers, LCMS, GCMS, ICPMS , ICPOES, FTIR, Amino Acid Analysers,TOCs, Particle Size Analysers, Particle Counters,AAS, Polarimeter, OES, WPS, DSC TGA,. XRD / XRF , MRI , CT, Hematology, biochemistry, hba1c analysers , PCR RTPCR , micro plate elisa readers washers,etc.

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Amino Acid Analyzer * Analytical Lmager Mri Ct Scanner * Automated Electrophoresis * Automated Gpc Pda System * Automated H. . Pl. C With P. D. A D. A. D Photo Diode Array * Bio Chemistry Analyzer Nova Plus Novaplus * Bio Medical Clinical * Chemiluminescence Analyzer * Chromatography Instruments * Coagulation Analyzer * Digi Visco * Dsc Or Tga Or Sta * Electrolyte Analyzer * Electrolyte And Blood Gas Analyzer * Electronic Analytical Balance * F T I R * Flame Photometer * Gas Chrmoatogarphy * Hematology Analyzer * Inteligent Lc Series System * Intelligent Lc Plus Nano * Ion Chromatograph * Laser Particle Size Analyzer * Lnfram Fusion Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers * Microplate Reader Washer * Opotical Emission Spectrophotometer * Optimag. C. T. M Gas Chromatograph * Optrcal Emssslon Spectrometer * Paricle Size Aanlyzer * Pcr Gradient Pcr * Photo Spectro Meters * Polarimeter * Preep And Proceess Hplc System And Flash Chrometography * Preparative Hplc * Production Hplc * Raman Spectrometer * Spectro Photo Meters * Tintometer * Urine Analyzer * Visco Meters * Viscometer Polarimeter Tintometer * Water Purification System * Automated Gpc Or Pda System * Bio Medical And Clinical